Since their introduction in the late 1980’s disposable contact lenses have grown in usage to now make up the major part of the contact lens market. Because they are easier to clean and maintain they create a much healthier environment for the eye. Over time the range of powers and materials has grown to allow almost all options to be catered for.
We are able to prescribe a large range of contact lenses and supply the many solutions and accessories needed for successful contact lens wear.
Short / Long Sighted:
If your prescription ranges between +10.00 to -15.00 then you are able to get disposable lenses that fully correct your vision.
These lenses are suitable to be worn all the time or can be used for specific roles such as sport or work where glasses create unnecessary problems.
Our practice is able to fit ALL brands of contact lenses. These lenses usually come with a handling tint or coloured lenses can also be worn.
Up to 80% of patients with Astigmatism can now successfully be fitted with disposable contact lenses. Therefore patients with Astigmatism can now enjoy the convenience and comfort previously only enjoyed by patients without Astigmatism.
Find out more about Astigmatism >>
Bifocal / Multifocal:
A recent addition to the disposable contact lens options. Suitable for those people who have been wearing contact lenses and start to find reading difficult and do not want the hassle of putting reading glasses on over the top of their contact lenses. Also suitable for those people presently wearing bifocal glasses who would like, for social occasions, not to have to wear glasses.
Extended Wear:
Extended or continuous wear contact lenses can be worn by some people after appropriate assessment. Talk to our optometrists about your suitability for extended wear contact lenses.
Daily Disposables:
These lenses are suited to those patients that want to completely eliminate the need to clean and maintain contact lenses by disposing of them after each wear. They are also suitable for people who may only want to wear contact lenses occasionally and therefore would like the simplest option.
Coloured and Novelty:
This type of disposable lens can come with or without prescription so that you can indulge your fantasies to create wild and dramatic colour changes to suit your every mood.
Custom Made Soft Contact Lenses:
Before disposable contact lenses came onto the market ALL soft lenses where custom made. Still used to correct all prescriptions but more commonly used to correct difficult prescriptions such as those patients with high levels of Astigmatism or those patients with eye shapes who find disposable lenses uncomfortable to wear. These lenses can be tinted to any colour or design. Custom-made Bifocal lenses are also available which come with a money back warranty if the patient is unable to successfully wear them.
Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses:
These where the first type of lenses to be commercially available. New materials continue to be developed to attempt to create an optimum environment for the eye. These lenses can be used to correct any type of prescription and because the lens materials tend to be less reactive to tear chemistry they are easier to maintain than soft lenses. Their most important use is in correcting those patients with keratoconus who cannot obtain satisfactory vision with either glasses or contact lenses.